The Great Reboot – Cultural impact of COVID-19 on Australia life

Some say that COVID-19 was the reset that the world needed; a chance to stand still for a moment and reflect on what is important in life, at both an individual and societal level. People have been so concerned about rushing around and trying to pack as much into each day that they had lost sight of what was important and that the quality of each interaction is so much more important than the number of interactions had.

‘Normal’ or ‘going back to normal’ is just a notion and we should be looking forward to what a new normal could be; a better, brighter more positive normal than the normal that we left at the beginning of 2020. This is our chance to do ….

We have been given the time to stop and think about how we want our future to appear; we have been given the opportunity to reflect and become better versions of ourselves; who can live improved lives and have more meaningful connections and interactions in every aspect of our life.

There is a new appreciation for that has been lost or unavailable for the past 2 years, and for some it has shone a light on what is truly important; having a work life balance not just talking about it, being present for loved ones when needed by having flexibility and trust from employers. It is also about enjoying the small / simple pleasures as opposed to always looking for the next big thing; for example sitting at your favourite café and smelling the roast of the coffee beans as you lift your glass.
Evidence suggests that the pandemic has brought some improvements to life through technology and our ability to remain connected for work and personal interactions. The use of Zoom, Google Meets and Microsoft Teams have allowed efficiency and ensured that work did not lag; similarly for Telehealth.

For many of us, 2022 will be about regaining what we lost this year and finding new ways to take care of ourselves and our communities. The impacts of social life imposed by COVID-19 are now reverberating a new sense of collectiveness and sharing with more attention to wellbeing, meaningful moments and connections.

• 82% of young Australians say they have become more aware of their mental health after COVID-19 while 45% believe in taking care of mental health is the biggest lesson from the last 20 months.
• 42% of young Australians are expecting to reconnect with friends and family and 47% want to go to music festivals and gigs.

According to McKinsey, people are now making more mindful decisions about how and where they spend their time and money based on their values, safety and risk. As a result Australians are spending less money on superficial or irresponsible things, and becoming more mindful of their expenses, looking for real experiences that represent quality of time and emotional wellbeing by making them feel more human.

Key themes advertisers and brands can leverage from the Great Reboot trend which resonate with consumers identified through emerging behavioural trends in Australian society.
1. Life can be a fresh start – embrace an optimistic tone
2. Regaining the life you lost – good times are coming, celebrate the notion of moving forward
3. Experiencing the joys of freedom – enjoying the little things in life
4. Embracing hope – freedom allows us to be creative to dream

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